My first experience with Quibi was a blast, and I finally got to work with Weather Channel! Quibi is a new platform for mobile devices that takes advantage of rotating your phone while watching. We put on our problem-solving hats from the beginning to make sure we weren't creating twice the work for ourselves as we needed to deliver both 16x9 and 9x16. What resulted was a fun, graphic, and colorful show package. I ended up only designing on this project but I've included the finished montage by Ranger & Fox at the bottom to show how we were envisioning it moving on the screen.
Open Boards

Weather branding

Vertical Layout

Studio: Ranger & Fox
Creative Director: Stephen Panicara
Art Director: Jonathan Larson (Design Only)
Designers: Jonathan Larson, Stephen Panicara, Jonny Sidlo
Animation: Stephen Panicara, Jonny Sidlo