I was a part of the initial team designing out the logo and show package for CBS and Quibi’s new show “60 in 6”. This would be an extension of their 60 minutes show but condensed into 6 minutes. The greatest challenge here was to always consider how to make a design package work in both a vertical and horizontal layout at the same time. These are my favorite frames from my design development showcasing two open concepts and 4 logos I developed. After the initial design phase, I was brought onto another project but came back to help carry it over the goal line by finishing animating some of the elements and tool kitting the project.
Open A

Open B

Logo Designs

Studio: Ranger & Fox
Creative Director: Stephen Panicara
Designers: Jonathan Larson, Stephen Panicara, Jonny Sidlo
Animation: Stephen Panicara, Jonny Sidlo
Tool kitting: Jonathan Larson